Kody Brown Exposed: Claims He’s the Real Victim of ‘Sister Wives’ Drama!
Sister Wives fans strongly believe Cody Brown is largely responsible for his family’s downfall, but it’s obvious that Cody wants to point fingers at anyone but himself. It doesn’t seem like Cody has any intention of changing his mind anytime soon.
However, fans recently dug up an old clip that proves he always blamed his wives for his unhappiness. See what viewers shared and what they had to say:
Cody Brown once insisted his wives badgered him as Season 19 continues. Redditors continue posting evidence of Cody Brown’s hypocrisy online.
“This is not what I want,” a Sister Wives fan shared on Reddit, taking a dig at Cody’s unhappiness.
“Okay, Cody, you admitted it well before the divorce—you weren’t happy. You were tired of plural marriage; you’d rather the wives go be happy with someone else.
So why do you now play the victim and act so wrong that they left you? You drove them away and then blamed them. You are the worst kind of narcissist.”
Scenes like this just make me wonder. The OP attached a clip of Mary and Cody’s awkward date in the woods. It’s immediately clear from this scene that Cody truly believes he is the victim of the family’s breakdown.
Going forward, this really asks the question: Do we really benefit from this?
“Cody said in the clip, ‘It makes me wonder if people who’ve been unhappy for so many years couldn’t just leave and go find something that made them happy instead of sitting and badgering me about how I’m not doing it right anymore?’”
Sister Wives fans expressed annoyance with the family patriarch. Other Sister Wives viewers agreed with the OP and felt completely aggravated by this scene.
“Cody Brown might believe he’s the victim, but he’s clearly the only one who feels that way,” Redditors wrote.
“This scene is so uncomfortable—it reminded me of a murder scene from a horror movie. He can spin the story however he wants to; in the end, he will have to answer to God for his behavior and treating his wives so terribly.
He will have to answer for abandoning his three wives and all his biological children with those wives. He can lie to everyone, but he can’t lie to God.”
This was the beginning of his anger exploding all over the whole family. So what exactly did he sign up for?
What do you think about Cody Brown’s monologue on his date with Mary? Are you surprised to learn he thinks he’s the victim? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments.